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Christopher Sharp Christopher Sharp

Project Titan Approved By San Marino: UFOs Set To Be Discussed At United Nations For First Time Since 1978

Today, the Parliament of San Marino voted in favour to participate in Project Titan, meaning San Marino will submit a proposal to the UN for the creation of a permanent office tasked with the preparation of periodic global conferences dedicated to the scientific study of UFOs, otherwise known as Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP).

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Christopher Sharp Christopher Sharp

Is A UFO Church Committee Coming To Congress? Lue Elizondo Says He Would Support Creation Of New Committee To “Get To The Bottom Of This Enigma”

Following the signing into law of the Fiscal 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and its Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) provisions, former AATIP director, Lue Elizondo, has told Liberation Times that he would support the idea of establishing a committee which could quickly and accurately get to the bottom of the enigma.

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Christopher Sharp Christopher Sharp

UFO Whistleblowers: The Inside Story On How Landmark Legislation Has Paved The Way To Uncovering Alleged Retrieval And Reverse Engineering Programs Hidden From Congress For Decades

Following weeks of negotiations between Democrats and Republicans, the Fiscal 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has now been signed into law by President Joe Biden, marking a key milestone to unlocking the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) mystery.

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Christopher Sharp Christopher Sharp

UAP: A Political Activist’s Perspective

Five years to the month after the extraordinary events of July 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico, President Harry Truman made a decision that would alter the course of the 20th century like no other.

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Christopher Sharp Christopher Sharp

Exclusive: More UFO Hearings Are Coming As Whistleblowers Are Called Forward And Legacy Programs Are Verified By Congress

Liberation Times has learned that new public Congressional Unidentified Aerospace-undersea Phenomena (UAP) hearings can be expected once National Defense Authorization Act 2023 (NDAA) UAP language is signed into law.

As reported by Dean Johnson, Intelligence Authorization Act (IAA) 2023 language is now wrapped up within the NDAA and includes important whistleblower protections.

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Christopher Sharp Christopher Sharp

Why UFOlogy Must Die

Yes, that's right, I said it before, and I will say it again.  As some people have pointed out, I want UFOlogy (as we have known it) to die. "I want to blow it up into a million bits...", as is often quoted by my detractors.  However, if you only listened to those words that I said and not what followed, then this short article is written for you. 

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