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Christopher Sharp Christopher Sharp

UFOs And The USAF: Something Is Rotten And The Time To Talk Is Now

Yes, it’s true - I am guilty. I am indeed a history buff. I’ll be transparent with you on that….unlike the United States Air Force. I spend much of my time learning about the earlier days of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) topic, starting from the 1940s.

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Christopher Sharp Christopher Sharp

The Gillibrand-Rubio Amendment Must Pass: Pilots Aren’t The Only Ones Seeing Things Going Bump In The Night

There is a myriad of reasons why the Gillibrand-Rubio Amendment (G-R Amendment) to the NDAA 2022 must pass so that the UAP transparency movement can go full steam ahead.

From the outside, it appears that the U.S. Navy has taken the lead on sharing UAP data within the intelligence community.  It would make sense, as each Naval Carrier Strike Group (CSG) has the supporting infrastructure to track, categorize and intercept air, surface, and subsurface craft that are within their controlled space. 

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