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NASA Confirms It Has No Official Position On ‘GoFast’ UFO Video

Written by Christopher Sharp - 2 June 2023

A NASA spokesperson has told Liberation Times that the agency has no official position regarding the GoFast video, which shows Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) captured by naval aviators from the USS Theodore Roosevelt in 2015.

The comments follow a presentation given at a NASA public meeting regarding its UAP efforts on 31 May 2023 given by UAP Independent Study Team Member Joshua Semeter, where he claimed the video showed an object travelling at 40 miles per hour.

A NASA spokesperson told Liberation Times:

“It’s important to recognize that the UAP team is a group of external experts who are independent from NASA.

“This is the gold standard of scientific review. NASA has not taken an official position on the origin of the GoFast video.”

Furthermore, NASA confirmed that members of its UAP Independent Study Group did not have access to the raw sensor data or speak to the aviators who witnessed the object attributed as UAP in the video before the assertion was presented.

The NASA spokesperson said:

“The team did not have access to the raw sensor data nor did they speak with the aviators who witnessed it.

“However, this video is publicly available and it has all the necessary attributes on the display for analysis, such as the elevation angle of the camera and aircraft altitude.

“The analysis from our team was based purely on information in the publicly released video.”

Although opinions are divided on the GoFast video, Liberation Times understands that there is a growing sense of frustration among advocates regarding this approach to UAP, where assertions are made without conducting thorough investigations or having access to complete evidence.

At the public meeting, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the Director of the U.S. Government's UAP office known as the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), stated that he had met with members of the "Five Eyes" alliance, comprising the U.S., UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The purpose of these meetings was to establish processes for UAP data-sharing and asset calibration that can enhance investigative efforts.

Liberation Times reached out to a spokesperson from the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD), who stated that they were unable to comment on such intelligence matters.

However, after conversations with multiple sources, Liberation Times can confirm that discussions have taken place and continue to take place between U.S. and UK officials regarding UAP.

In a presentation given by Dr Sean Kirkpatrick on 31 May, he recommended that NASA create foreign partnership, to ‘build a robust scientific community of interest to review data, conduct analysis, and determine the value of unclassified data sources’.

Speaking to Liberation Times, a spokesperson from the UK Space Agency declined to confirm whether it would collaborate if approached. However, the spokesperson emphasised that UAP is not among its areas of responsibility.

“We engage regularly with NASA and other international space agencies, but research into UAPs is not one of our responsibilities.”

This summer, NASA’s UAP Independent Study Team is expected to publish a report, which will inform the agency on what possible data could be collected in the future to shed light on the nature and origin of UAP.

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