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Kona Blue Insiders Reveal How U.S. Agencies Allegedly Involved In Legacy UFO Programs Rattled Department of Homeland Security Officials

Written by Christopher Sharp - 23 April 2024

According to insiders involved in establishing an Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) related Prospective Special Access Program (PSAP) within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), DHS staff emerged from meetings with two other U.S. government agencies, rumored to possess advanced non-human materials, ‘convinced that advanced technology was sequestered under government supervision at aerospace contractors’ facilities.’

The book, titled Skinwalkers at the Pentagon details how in 2011 high-level officials at the DHS, Sacha Mover and Jim Bell, ‘began knocking on doors beyond DHS to connect with the “keepers of the secrets” in at least two other agencies.’ 

The account continues:

‘In these meetings, which took place in June-July 2011, Sacha, Jim, and colleagues were treated rudely and harshly.’

‘Bell and Mover were repeatedly told “no, and hell no.”’

The narrative of these events was penned by journalist George Knapp, along with Dr. James Lacatski and Dr. Colm Kelleher. 

Kelleher and Lacatski led the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) and Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) within the U.S. government’s Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), focusing on the investigation of UAP. 

In 2011, both Kelleher and Lacatski engaged with Dr. Tara O’Toole, the then Under Secretary for Science and Technology at DHS, persuading her to initiate the process of establishing a Special Access Program (SAP), similar to BAASS, under the Science and Technology division at DHS.

Last week, the DHS, via the U.S. government's latest UAP Office, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), unveiled previously unseen official documentation regarding the PSAP, known as KONA BLUE.

During an interview with the National Security Space Association in March 2024, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, former Director of AARO and its current official consultant, stated that whistleblowers interviewed by his office identified KONA BLUE as the program responsible for housing craft and bodies of non-human origin.

Dr. Kirkpatrick commented:

"We had several interviewees come in who named Kona Blue as the program that was housing the reverse engineering and non-human intelligence bodies of these craft, and that is absolutely not the case."

But speaking with Liberation Times, journalist George Knapp, who co-authored Skinwalkers at the Pentagon, questioned Kirkpatrick’s assertion:

‘Does Dr. Kirpatrick assume that everyone other than himself is a total nitwit? 

‘No witness who spoke to AARO could possibly have confused what they saw with their own eyes with anything associated with Kona Blue since, after all, Kona Blue never existed. 

‘It never had a budget, never had a building, never had any crashed-saucer debris or ET bodies because Kona Blue was not a real program. 

‘It never got beyond the planning and proposal stage, and only a handful of people ever knew it had been discussed, let alone knew what its scope would have been had it been greenlighted. 

‘Any witness who told AARO about crash retrievals and hardware was referring to something other than Kona Blue.’

The documentation reveals that KONA BLUE was tasked with the investigation, identification, and analysis of sensitive materials and technologies, particularly focusing on advanced aerospace vehicles. 

Liberation Times understands that one purpose of KONA BLUE, when designated as a PSAP, was to gain access to a non-human craft held at the time by some aerospace companies. 

The initiative to establish KONA BLUE, supported by Senators Harry Reid and Joe Lieberman, sought to create a framework and governance structure for comprehensive monitoring by congressional oversight committees. This differed from alleged legacy UAP programs, which whistleblowers familiar with them claim lacked any oversight.

The proposal for KONA BLUE came at the same time when AAWSAP was axed, which, according to UAP whistleblower and former senior intelligence officer David Grusch, was "killed" following a hostile reaction from the CIA. 

Speaking on the Joe Rogan Experience last year, Grusch said:

“Lockheed Martin wanted to divest itself from this material at a specific facility that’s known to me that I provided to the Inspector General, like street address, all that shit.

“The CIA said ‘fuck you’ to DIA and Lockheed and it was totally killed. So Harry Reid’s request to get the material transferred to the AAWSAP program was totally killed because of bureaucracy.

“I do encourage both the AARO office and Congress to ask Dr. Lacatski to come in for classified testimony. I don’t know James Lacatski, but I do encourage him to be a fact witness.”

Liberation Times understands that the CIA leads a UAP retrieval program through its Office of Global Access, transferring non-human craft and associated materials to defense contractors.

Before AARO's information release, Lacatski and Kelleher couldn't refer to ‘KONA BLUE’ by name.

George Knapp told Liberation Times:

‘When we published Skinwalkers at the Pentagon, the Pentagon's censors (The Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review) gave the authors permission to describe in considerable detail the proposal for a successor to the DIA's AAWSAP effort.  

‘The only detail we were prohibited from including was the name, KONA BLUE.’

Ultimately the KONA BLUE proposal failed. 

In Skinwalkers at the Pentagon, the authors elucidated that its failure stemmed from DHS leadership, primarily driven by the reservations of Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis, Phyllis Green, who was sceptical of the data acquired by BAASS.

In particular, Green and others within DHS leadership were concerned that the controversial subject matter associated with BAASS, if ever made public, would tarnish the reputation of DHS as a fledgling organization striving to be taken seriously by other government departments.

The book states that Jane Lute, then Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security was convinced that the proposed BAASS-like program “was a go.” However, eventually, Lute would change her mind.

Speaking about the opposition, George Knapp told Liberation Times:

‘The opposition mounted as soon as DHS principals began to knock on doors and ask questions about how to access the unusual materials recovered from crash sites that had been stashed in the bowels of various defense contractors.  

‘Doors were slammed in their faces. Questions were asked. Calls were made. And suddenly, the enthusiasm shown by DHS honchos evaporated.  

‘As the new kid on the block, DHS didn't want to rattle too many cages, and some worried that the subject matter was just too weird and might be an embarrassment if the word leaked out.’

Knapp added:

‘Kona Blue would have been a gigantic leap forward if it had been allowed to proceed, just as AAWSAP would have been had it not been kneecapped by many of the same parties who wanted Kona Blue killed.’

Documentation shows O’Toole, who has previously chaired the board of the Federation of American Scientists, explaining there was "very serious science involved" with the proposed KONA BLUE program and that "she felt the US Government had the responsibility to continue its investigation," following the eventual termination of BAASS AAWSAP by the DIA.

Speaking about this, Knapp told Liberation Times:

‘Most of the materials produced by AAWSAP, including more than 100 highly technical scientific and engineering reports, have never been made public, other than the broad strokes reported by Lacatski and Kelleher in our two books.  

‘The detailed briefings given to DHS bigwigs struck a chord. The brilliant scientist Dr. Tara O'Toole was enthusiastic in her support for a new Special Access Program to be housed somewhere within DHS, and other officials agreed.’

In an interview given to the WEAPONIZED podcast last year, Lacatski affirmed that the U.S. government possesses a craft of unknown origin and has access to its interior.

A book named ‘Inside the US Government Covert UFO Program: Initial Revelations’, released last year and co-authored by Lacatsi reveals:

‘At the conclusion of a 2011 meeting in the Capitol building with a U.S. Senator and an agency Under Secretary, Lacatski, the only one of this book’s authors present, posed a question. He stated that the United States was in possession of a craft of unknown origin and had successfully gained access to its interior.

‘This craft had a streamlined configuration suitable for aerodynamic flight but no intakes, exhaust, wings, or control surfaces. In fact, it appeared not to have an engine, fuel tanks, or fuel.  Lacatski asked: What was the purpose of this craft? Was it a life-support craft useful only for atmospheric reentry or what? If it was a spacecraft, then how did it operate?’

Speaking about the above passage within the book, Lacatski confirmed to journalist Jeremy Corbell, who co-hosts WEAPONIZED with George Knapp:

"What's in the book is an exact statement of the event that occurred in the congressional facility.”

Corbell put the following question to Lacatski:

“You told us because you were allowed to tell us that our government has a UFO in its possession and has been able to access the inside of it, right?”

Lacatski responded:

“Yes, I was allowed to tell you.”

With more public UAP Congressional Hearings expected, calls will grow for Lacatski to testify, so the full story can be told. Although that may be dependent on the the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review, providing clearance for him to speak openly.

Note: Liberation Times has reached out to Tara O'Toole for comment.

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