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Could The Pilots Of UAPs Really Be Walking Among Us?

Op-Ed Written by David Smethurst - 21 December 2021

Image Of Alleged Cryptoterrestrial Provided By An Experiencer - Coreme

Editorial Note: In this article, we’ll entertain the idea of Cryptoterrestrials as a possible explanation for UAP. This article purely entertains this idea, and there is no clear evidence or facts that can support such claims at this time.

As we continue our path down the disclosure path, may we soon ponder whether they’re “under our noses” as opposed to “out there”.

The National Defense Authorization Act 2022, when passed, will be a mere stepping stone in proportion to the road ahead.

As the new Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Office gets up and running, we may find that prosaic explanations run out of steam.

After navigating through the prosaic forest, we may be met with a foreign land, full of unknowns. In other words, the Russians, Chinese, and Hellesdon Lights would all be ruled out - leaving us to contemplate ‘Non-Human Intelligence’.

The moment may come when the first annual unclassified report is released by the UAP Office, on October 31, 2022.

That will leave us with one big question: who is controlling these craft?

I believe there are many possible explanations of what Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) may represent, even in the non-prosaic sense.

One of the many theories on the table, that has rarely been discussed, is Cryptoterrestrials.

What Are Cryptoterrestrials?

Crypto = Concealed and/or Secret

Terrestrial = On or relating to Earth

What if the “others” (as Tom Delonge alluded to them as) are not others but brothers or at least cousins, who have been sharing this planet with us for millennia? 

Earth suffers regular catastrophes, at least five in total have resulted in mass extinction events.

Due to such cataclysms, any advanced civilization may have moved underground. And perhaps subterranean surface dwellers are influencing events both below and above the surface. 

Cryptoterrestrials could represent a sister civilization, which perhaps split from us in the ancient past. That idea is not inconceivable.

Film Director, James Fox, has been told that they walk among us, and we have military footage showing a UAP plunging below the ocean.

These accounts, if accurate, suggest that the intelligence behind the phenomenon is secretly interacting (and perhaps influencing us) and dwells under our oceans. 

The Cryptoterrestrial Theory

So, where did the modern Cryptoterrestrial theory emerge from?

One of the brightest thinkers on the subject was the late great writer, Mac Tonnies

Before passing away, he wrote a book named, ‘The Cryptoterrestrials’, which pondered whether UAPs, rather than Extraterrestrials (ET) are responsible for experiences with UAPs and their occupants.

Tonnies suggested that UAPs represent a breakaway civilization that took refuge underground thousands of years ago.

And there could be evidence to suggest human-looking entities (which may seem otherworldly), may in fact originate from Earth.

It’s Sydney, 1992, and a man named Peter Khoury has an alleged encounter with two unearthly female beings in his bedroom

One of the beings (described as having blonde hair) is on top of him. Telepathic contact ensues and then suddenly, it’s over. On the surface, it’s like many other supposed experiences.

For years, many people didn’t believe Khoury, who suffered great personal expense by describing what had happened.

That was until he produced the DNA evidence.

Khoury had recovered two strands of white-blonde hair from one of the females.

The DNA results were startling. 

Remarkably, this DNA showed a combination found among a small percentage of the British population and Basques of northern Spain, combined with a rare Chinese-Mongol type found in a very small population group in Taiwan. Due to a combination of genetic factors involving melanin, it is thought impossible that such a theoretical person could ever be blonde.

The hair DNA was extremely rare and it was highly unlikely that Khoury could have just discovered the hair by chance.

When viewed in the context of Cryptoterrestrial theory, the DNA sample provides perhaps the first plausible evidence for the possibility of the ‘others’ representing a lost branch of humanity living underground.

After all, blonde hair and pale skin suggest an environment with little sunlight.

Such beings may continue to live beneath our feet for various reasons. These range from Cryptoterrestrials having a low population, to there being an outside enemy that they must protect themselves from.

Is There Any Archaeological Evidence?

Göbekli Tepe, Turkey

Would there be much evidence of any advanced civilization that had vanished perhaps 70,000 years ago? Maybe not. Just look at abandoned cities like Chernobyl. Nature can take hold very quickly.

Our assumptions of historic civilizations continue to be challenged every decade.

As Graham Hancock has stated, “things just keep getting older”. 

The most obvious example is Göbekli Tepe in Turkey; its construction around eleven thousand years ago potentially drives a coach and horses through the long-held assumption that no society capable of such an achievement could exist, at least until five thousand years later. 

Göbekli Tepe suggests that ancient civilizations (that had supposedly just emerged) possessed very well-developed construction and scientific abilities, which then declined over time. 

This begs the question, did they get help? Did they descend from a more advanced civilization? Did someone provide a technological nudge?

As discoveries continue to get older (from our understanding), lidar has exposed more ancient structures and anomalies. 

We are seeing signs that an older civilization may have been technologically sophisticated enough to retreat underground in the face of impending disaster. After all, in the same nation as Göbekli Tepeas exists Derinkuyu, an underground city, which also suggests that something may have been feared above ground.

All of this suggests there is still a history that we may still be unaware of. One day we could discover signs of a much older and advanced civilization that lived 70,000 years ago.

Our History With Cryptoterrestrials 

Stories about supposed magical humans have been with us for thousands of years, going as far back as the Greek gods. 

Modern accounts of human-looking ETs are baffling and inconsistent. 

First, they told us they were from Mars and Venus, then distant star systems, and now distant galaxies and realms. 

These accounts all seem to keep pace with our understanding of the universe.

A lack of consistency in these stories suggests deception though.

Could their actual origin be of this Earth, hence the misdirection? That would also explain their human-like appearance in many accounts.

Their shared fate on this Earth may explain why they have become more invested in us since we split the atom. 

We’re no longer unsophisticated creatures running around the planet killing each other. With the advent of nuclear weapons, we now endanger them too.

That may be behind what we’re apparently seeing today, with alleged interventions with nuclear weapons

No longer are they merely appearing as angelic or godlike beings (see Our Lady of Fatima), putting us on the right (or wrong) paths. Warships and nuclear assets appear to be their new priority. 

They seem to be very concerned, warning about nuclear weapons, the environment, and the dangers of technology, especially when communicating with school children

So, what is their agenda?

The Agenda

Do these supposed advanced Cryptoterrestrials have positive or negative intentions towards humanity?

In short, we may represent a threat to their planet, especially with the prospect of nuclear war and accidents, like Fukushima. 

Astute observers note that alleged interactions between humans and supposed Cryptoterrestrials show that their sole focus relates to this planet, rather than human beings. 

A bad communications strategy? Maybe. But consider their potential situation.

They don’t want to reveal much information, such as explaining who they are and where they come from. Could that suggest a vulnerability? It could also suggest they have a low population that avoids conflict due to the threat of extinction.

This may explain why they choose to appear (through psychic abilities or technology) as different creatures, such as ‘greys’, to misdirect us as to their true origin and numbers.

Mac Tonnies erred on the side that they were vulnerable. He theorized supposed Cryptoterrestrials may have once been quite powerful but were now in decline after thousands of years in the darkness. 

In his view, they were now more akin to the Wizard of Oz, this time hiding behind a psychic curtain and using misdirection to not reveal themselves and their relative lack of potency.

A slightly more sinister element of Tonnies’ anaemic vision of cryptos was that their relatively small population (and subsequent lack of genetic diversity) had led them to harvest various biologic materials from humans. 

Illusion and anonymity could be their best form of defense under a scenario that frames them as vulnerable.

Some overt displays and appearances (involving military assets) may represent one component of a shock and awe function, aimed at military and political elites.

And then to keep the wider populace busy, signs are given to suggest they’re of ET origin.  

Whilst everyone is figuring out their origin and intent, their real mission (to neutralize any threat we pose) could be done (figuratively) below the surface. This could include: 

  • Infiltration of human institutions to create a power base, after all, they may look similar to us and could possibly project an appearance

  • Quietly influencing events without us knowing, perhaps by implanting thoughts, as suggested in a slide created by AATIP (see below)

  • Sparking conflict amongst people and nations, hence preoccupying us while they divide and conquer, although not overtly.

If true, these acts show potential hostile intent, although to save their habitat.

It could represent vulnerability, compassion, and intelligence, to create the least amount of collateral damage on either side.

The infamous AATIP Slide 9, which suggests an enemy could manipulate cognitive environments

Could This All Explain Why Lue Elizondo Felt Somber?

So, we’re faced with a scenario that we’ve never been alone and are not at the top of the food chain.

They’ve been hiding in plain sight.

They walk among us and live below.

They emerge from our oceans.

And yes, they have very advanced technology and understand the quantum realm and consciousness beyond our current ability.

Their fate could have been sealed around 70,000 years ago when a supervolcanic eruption wiped out many species, forcing them to burrow.

Up until now, our cousins may have been trying to control the caged guerrilla, represented by humanity.

Now we’ve found the keys to the cage, in the form of nuclear technology and space travel. They may now seek to neutralize the threat we pose. We threaten the planet and other interests they may have beyond Earth’s atmosphere.

That’s a lot to swallow, hence why Lue may have felt somber. 

What Does This All Mean?

There may be many reasons for the apparent cover-up around UAPs and why it has persisted.

I am reminded of two comments from Lue Elizondo’s Theories Of Everything’ interview.

  • The first suggested the truth may make many feel “somber”

  • The second was that we may have to come to terms with the fact that all we have been taught about humanity and who we are in our history books is not correct, leading us to contemplate a different historical account of who we are. 

Finally, linked to Elizondo’s observation in this interview about DNA, the Cryptoterrestrials may have taken pity on us 70,000 years ago after a significant wipe-out event, and enhanced our DNA, allowing us to survive and thrive. 

Now that we have technology capable of destroying the world (from climate change to nuclear catastrophe), the situation is different from what it was thousands of years ago. 

Rather than natural or other threats Cryptoterrestrials may have previously faced, humanity may have become a more pressing concern now.

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