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Congresswoman Spearheading UFO Investigation Says U.S. Government's Status Quo Leaves American Public In The Dark

Written by Christopher Sharp - 9 June 2023

Representative Anna Paulina Luna (R-Florida), a member of the House Oversight Committee and a leading figure in investigating Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), has stated to Liberation Times that the American public has been left in the dark regarding this topic.

Representative Luna told Liberation Times:

“For decades, many Americans have had reasonable concerns and questions about occurrences of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) in our airspace. 

“The status quo by the U.S. government has been to leave the American public in the dark regarding information about UAPs, evidenced by the extreme and unnecessary over-classification of UAP data dating back to Project Blue Book.”

This week, Republication House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer told NewsNation:

“Representative Burchett and Representative Luna on the Oversight Committee are very interested in this issue and they're taking the lead in this issue…..we plan on having a hearing”

Commenting on Representative Comer’s statement on Twitter, Representative Luna tweeted:

‘Thank you@RepJamesComer! Very happy to announce@RepTimBurchett and myself will be working with the@GOPoversight team to lead out the investigation into UAPs (UFOs).’

And today, speaking to Liberation Times, Representative Luna added:

“This is an issue that matters to many Americans, and I look forward to bringing more government transparency to light.”

On 4 April 2023, Liberation Times reported that members of Congress were planning public hearings on UAP and that ‘multiple congressional committees may be involved.’

The first of these hearings was conducted by the Senate Armed Services Committee's Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities. Chaired by Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand, the hearing featured questioning of Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, Director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), in both closed and open sessions.

Liberation Times has learned that the House Oversight Committee plans to conduct a public hearing on UAP before the summer recess in August.

Additionally, it is anticipated that the Oversight Committee's public hearing will be even more explosive than the Senate's April hearing, as representatives will engage with multiple whistleblowers and witnesses concerning UAP.

Speaking to Liberation Times, filmmaker and journalist Jeremy Corbell, who possesses insights into the possible public hearings, commented:

“It is no longer secret that new public Congressional hearings on UAP are imminent. 

“This has been in the works for a while and is being methodically planned. The aim has been to keep this important first-hand and direct witness testimony under the most actionable committee's purview. 

“The forum chosen to house the next hearings on UAP - is as important as the forthcoming disclosures themselves. Effective public hearings will require the ability to investigate and affirm the veracity of the accusations - which will require access, authority and an unwavering and dedicated spirit of accountability towards the American public's right - and need - to know the truth about what UAP represent.”

Corbell added: 

“I can also attest to the fact that there are moral and righteous representatives who - for the good of public interest - intend on maintaining an objective and bipartisan approach in this discovery process, surrounding the UAP presence.

“It is my assessment that those directly involved in this process, are committed to making sure there is an actionable outcome to what will be disclosed.”

The latest comments from Representatives Luna and Comer come after serious allegations from a former intelligence official named David Grusch were broken by The Debrief and NewsNation earlier this week.

Grusch has made allegations regarding the existence of highly covert programs that allegedly possess retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin, all of which are kept hidden from democratic oversight.

Representative Luna has prior experience as an airfield management specialist in the U.S. Air Force, serving from 2009 to 2014. Initially stationed at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, she later transferred to Hurlburt Field in Florida.

Luna is among a group of five prominent Florida politicians who have publicly addressed the issue of UAP. This group includes Senator Rubio, Representative Gaetz, Representative Waltz and Representative Moskowitz.

Democrat Jared Moscowitz, in a statement to NewsNation today, discussed David Grusch, stating:

“He is a whistleblower, so obviously he has certain protections. We obviously want to listen to what he has to say, and we will need to figure out how legitimate he is. But based on what he's saying, it sounds like something that we have to start asking some questions on.”

Representative Moskowitz also echoed comments made by Representative Luna, stating, “if there are things that the federal government is holding back from the American people, the American people have a right to know.”

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